Countdown to Registration Close
Registration Opens
Friday, March 28, 2025
Registration Closes
Friday, May 2, 2025
Class List and Descriptions
Classes subject to change as we continue to add classes. Class selections are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Class A: Pharmacy Technician Exploration
Explore and learn about various pharmacy technician tasks and duties. Limit 24 Students. (24)
Class B: Breaking Through Traditional Roles - A NEW Challenge!
4eeding a growing world is one of the most vital future needs for all of us! In this session, students will have fun “breaking out” of lock boxes (similar to an escape room) while learning about many career paths that are available to them and how these jobs relate to agriculture and feeding the world. Come and be challenged! Limit 24 Students. (24)
Class C: Career Paths in Aviation
STEAM a tool to foster entrepreneurship, problem solving, using critical thinking, and career paths to Aviation. (24)
Class D: DIY Breadboard Circuits
Come learn and explore circuit builds and the basics of electricity flow through circuits. In this session we will familiarize students with circuitry components like photoresistors, push buttons, batteries, LED’s, capacitors, and breadboards. Each build increases in complexity, and all compenents are reusable so that builds may be disassembled and recreated! Limit 16 Students. (24)
Class E: Electric Motors & Electric Circuits
Electrial Motors. For this class we will use two 20-minute sessions to explain how electric motors work and each student will build a simple electric motor that they can take home with them. Each student will build a motor kit, and then run the motor using a battery to learn how electricty make a motor turn. Grades 5 and above. Limit 10 Students.
Electrial Circuits. A 20 Minute session where we will explain how an electric circuit works to turn on a light. Students will build a simple circuit they can take home. The project will have a battery, a switch, and a lamp they will connect with wire and be able to turn the light on and off. Grades 5 and above. Limit 10 Students. (24)
Class F: Overview of Being a Fire Fighter
Discussion, question and answers. Chance to spray water. (24)
Class G: Experiments with Electricity
We will be using snap circuits and teaching kids about conductive materials and insulators along with Mechanical Energy and Electrical Energy. (24)
Class H: Young Workers - Talking Safety
Let’s talk about safety for young workers. Your first real job could come with real risks. Limit 24 Students. (23)
Class I: Power UP! Exploring Energy and Future Careers
Explore various forms of energy and methods used in ND to generate electricity and other power sources. Includes hands-on activities to experience firsthand how energy is transformed and used. Limit 24 Students. (24)
Class J: Discover Japan in North Dakota
Provide students with an opportunity to experience unique Japanese culture. Limit 16 Students. (24)
Class L: Lessons About Money
The more you know about how to make money, how to save money, and how to spend money, the less likely it is that you will have money problems as an adult. Do you know people who never seem to have enough money? If you don’t want to live that way, listen up. We have some good information to share with you today. (24)
Class M: Building a Window with Marvin
Get ready to dive into the world of engineering and manufacturing! Students will be inspired by videos showcasing the fun and importance of manufacturing engineering. They will wrap up the class by taking on the exciting challenge of building a window. Limit 16 Students. (24)
Class N: Career View
This class will allow the students to view careers in a first hand view. Using career experiences, students will get to see what their selected career does on a daily basis. Limited to 16 Students. (24)
Class O: Operation LifeSaver/Railroad Safety
Railroad Safety, trespass prevention, and how to report emergencies that occur while on or near railroad property. (24)
Class P: Land Surveying and Mapping
A look inside the profession of Land Surveying and how we, as Professional Land Surveyors, help build the world around us by using technology such as Laser Scanners, Robots, GPS and Drones. (24)
Class Q: Keeping Us Safe
Hands on handcuffing, fingerprinting and online safety. (24)
Class R: Diesel Technology Intro to Operation
We will have several stations set up for students to see and operate some equipment, with expert supervision of course. Tractor driving, Excavator basketball, etc. (24)
Class T: Who Wants to be a Nurse?
We will have a variety of activities for students to participate in reflex checks, ear checks, hearing tests, lung sounds, oxygen and breathing. Limited to 16 Students. (24)
Class U: Worldwide Animal Conservation
Explore the world of conservation with Chahinkapa Zoo professionals. Meet live animal guests! (3)
Class V: A Wildcat Scavenger Hunt!
How well do you know the NDSCS Campus? Test your speed and knowledge. (24)
Class W: Introduction to Robotics!
This hands-on experience will introduce the student to the world of robotics and how they are used in various industries. Students will also have the opportunity to operate an industrial robot to pick up objects in their workspace. Limit 16 Students. (24)
Class X: Explore Your Senses
Our senses….sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing connect our minds with the world around us. There are many situations throughout the day to provide opportunities for stimulation. You’ll engage in fun, structured, hands-on activities that stimulate both sensory and motor skill development. Come and excite your senses! Limit 20 Students. (24)
Class Y: Do you have "Teasure" hiding in your Trash
Let’s sort through some “trash” and see if you can pull out all of the recyclable materials! This is a fun and engaging session where students will become informed on how they can help the environment by recycling. Participants will learn about recycling, composting, and ways to reuse items. (24)
Class Z: Does Money Grow on Trees?
Wood, paper, heating, buildings, musical instruments, crafts, toys, nuts, fruits, and even mushrooms! “Wood” you believe it all comes from a tree? Many jobs reply on forestry, even in ND, and selling “specialty forest products” could be an opportunity to start your own business to earn extra money. (24)
Class AA: Farm Crops and Safety
Learn how different crops are used on a daily basis. Learn farm safety facts. (24)
Class CC: Who wants to be a Dental Assistant or Dental Hygienist
This class will include a hands-on demo of several dental office procedures that dental assistants or dental hygienists do. What does an intra-oral camera look like and how is it used? What happens when you get x-rays in a dental office? What is infection control and how important is hand washing? How can I keep my teeth strong and healthy? Limit 32 Students. (24)
Class DD: Law Enforcement Basics
Two Uniformed Sheriff’s Deputies will display Law Enforcement Equipment & Tools including: Marked Police Vehicles with Emergency Lights, Sirens, Police Radio, Transport Cages, Rescue Gear and a variety of other Law Enforcement Gear. Presenters will have a Drone Demonstration, talk about Law Enforcement Duties, K-9 Nemo and answer general questions about Law Enforcement. Limit 60 Students. (24)
Class EE: All About Water Rescue
Richland County Water Rescue provides information on services provided, team structure, and equipment used. A variety of water rescue equipment will be displayed including boats, dive gear, command post, ice rescue sled and more. (24)
Getting Registered
Registration Part 1 Student Class/ Group
Please fill out this form completely according to instructions.
Registration Part 2 Student Groups WITHOUT Projects
Please fill out this form completely according to instructions.
Registration Part 3 Student Groups WITH Projects
Please fill out this form completely according to instructions.
Project Reimbursement Form – SCHOOL
Please download, complete, save, and push the submit button to send to Kevin Reisenauer for reimbursement.
Project Reimbursement Form & Form W-9 – TEACHER
Please download, complete, save, and push the submit button to send to Kevin Reisenauer for reimbursement. (For TEACHERS claiming reimbursement, not SCHOOL)
Wahpeton Class Descriptions
Printable version of Wahpeton classes. Check back for updates!
Janet Bell
Valerie Erickson
Chris DeVries
Sandi Gilbertson
Brenda Korinek
Heather Nelson
Cassie Orth
Katie Rauber
Kathy Schuster
Heather Weber